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Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Why Safe Investments Aren’t Necessarily Safer
Investing in the financial markets enables you to build wealth and propel you to another level. Within the investing community, there are...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Market Volatility: Don’t let the noise distract you
It seems like every time we open the news these days we see a new headline about the market selling off, new calls for a recession coming...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
What the latest Fed rate hike means for your money
The Federal Reserved raised rates once again in September, indicating the economy and job market continues to show strength. A rising...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
5 Financial Mistakes Millennials Should Avoid
As the Millennial generation continues to move further into adulthood, finances are beginning to take center stage in their lives. Couple...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
The F.I.R.E movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early)
Financial independence is easily one of the most liberating feelings, yet the millennial generation is crippled with student loan debt...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Improve your Finances. A Recap of Our Interview with Fox 2.
Given that parts of September are self-improvement oriented, many people focus on their physical or mental health. However, one area that...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
The Behavior Gap and How It Can Affect Your Portfolio
Investing is an interesting topic because the data and methods seem fairly straight forward, yet we as humans complicate the matter....

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Investing Mistakes to Avoid
Investing and the idea of investing are known by all but interpreted differently by all. The objective of each individual is different...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Traditional v​​s Roth IRA- A deeper dive
There are many different methods and vehicles you can use to help you save for retirement. Much of it boils down to your own individual...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
The basics of a 401(k), and the power of time.
Saving for retirement is a topic widely discussed but many wait until it’s too late to begin saving. The concept is easy, simply put...
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