Investing our client's hard-earned assets is a privilege and responsibility that we don't take lightly. This is why we have rigorous processes in place for investment selection and portfolio customization.
01. Personal Objectives
At AG Wealth Management, every portfolio is personal. Before investing, we cover all topics relating to your investment goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, as well as personal and tax circumstances.
02. Our Approach
Our portfolios are constructed to account for decades of research by leading academics and extensive empirical data. We implement diversified portfolios, not only with regards to the number of holdings but also diversified exposure to risk premiums that have demonstrated the historical tendency to drive returns.
03. Ongoing Process
We have created rules-based systems to rebalancing portfolios designed to eliminate human emotions and behavioral biases.
In addition, we constantly monitor different asset classes and holdings to make sure they still fit the expected risk/return profile.